Meet our designer: Rogier Martens
Studio Rogier Martens was founded in Utrecht in 2006 by Rogier Martens. Design and products with a unique identity have his preference. He searches for bright solutions in his work, and these designs have in common that they always interact with its user. Through thorough investigation he searches for the genius loci and uses this in a subtle manner in his work. This open approach leads to exquisite end results.

“An invitation to be active, your world as a mirror of your creation, time after time”
Rogier created the Wheelbench for Weltevree. Moving a couch with only two people can be problematic. The Wheelbench is a couch that you can manoeuvre in the correct position without the help of others. The inviting wheel helps you find the best spot to place the Wheelbench. An invitation to be active, to create a world to your liking, time after time. This thought blends in perfectly with Weltevree’s vision.